Sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. For the last few months I have been only driving on Sunday afternoons. Just recently though I started driving Saturday nights as well. Saturday night is money night. It is also when the most interesting things happen.
Though I have to admit For the last 3 Saturdays I've worked my interesting fares came from drunken assholes that I would have rathered to leave stranded somewhere than get them to their destinations. This is one example:
I got dispatched out to Bracket Rd. in Rye (small rural coastal town just south of Portsmouth)to pick up a party with no clue as to where they were going. I showed up and two young couples got in the back of the van and a "gentleman" in his mid-fifties sat in the front with me.
Once they were seated I asked "where we going?"
Guy in the front snorted "left out the drive way." Right then I knew I was dealing with a dickweed and my guard went up.
He proceeded to give me these weird rights and lefts until I realized he took a messed up way to get to Rt 1-A and we were right on the beach.In a frustrated turn he tells me in a frustrated tone turn right."
By now I was frustrated with being led around I finally asked "Where the hell are we going?"
"The Atlantic Four Winds" he snapped.
Right then I knew we were headed in the wrong direction so without prompting I pull a u-turn in a restaurant parking lot.
As I'm in the processing of turning the guy holds up his index finger and says to me "I'm going to give you one more chance"
With that my heart started racing, and anger raged though my body. "One more chance, huh?" I replied.
"Yea." the jerk snapped.
"Well you have one more chance before I throw you ass out right there on the beach, motherfucker!"
"Then I wont pay you."
"I don't give a fuck bout the damn money. Throwing your ass out in the street and you being the butt of my jokes with my friends for the next week is worth more than whatever money I may get off of you!"
Just about that time the folks in the back started yelling and calmed the situation down. I went on to that hotel to pick up a couple call girls the jerk hired then proceeded to downtown Portsmouth without hardly a word spoken. Somehow I got a $15 dollar tip on a 36 dollar fare.
I really didn't care about the tip so I told the dispatcher about what happened. Later they called for a ride back and as far as I know the are still waiting. I hope my nemesis picked their sorry asses up and dealt with them!